This month is one that's particularly hard for me. I'm not where I need to be career wise. And that's mainly my fault. You see, I have the steps I need to succeed. However, I'm not succeeding. For some reason, my mind hasn't shifted yet. I haven't put myself in that head space in which I need to be to follow those steps. What's that they say about recovery? It doesn't start until you can admit you need it? Or something like that. Well, I've admitted that my failure is my fault. And slowly I can feel the gears shifting and my mind jumping into action.
So far August has been about south discovery and getting one back on track to health and achievement. By the time this post goes live August will be partially over. And with the publication of this letter, you will see a follow up of three to five posts by August end. Each post detailing something that gave me a piece of myself back. Whenever something happens that attempts to dull my conquering feels I give myself five minutes to wallow in it. Then I'm back to my regular grind. August was full of "five minutes". And that's OK. Because every time I'm knocked down. I get back up stronger than I was before. So as this letter concludes I just want to remind you all that taking time for one's self is important and you should never feel guilty for it. And don't let set backs dull your shine.
So far August has been about south discovery and getting one back on track to health and achievement. By the time this post goes live August will be partially over. And with the publication of this letter, you will see a follow up of three to five posts by August end. Each post detailing something that gave me a piece of myself back. Whenever something happens that attempts to dull my conquering feels I give myself five minutes to wallow in it. Then I'm back to my regular grind. August was full of "five minutes". And that's OK. Because every time I'm knocked down. I get back up stronger than I was before. So as this letter concludes I just want to remind you all that taking time for one's self is important and you should never feel guilty for it. And don't let set backs dull your shine.